
Healthcare Interoperability Solutions

Utilize interoperability in healthcare to maximize inter-office communications and eliminate delays, costs, and errors caused by manual retrieval and transmission.

90 % of healthcare document requests are still processed manually

Clinical Interoperability Solutions


Share medical data using the nation’s leading platform for healthcare interoperability

Help reduce response times for medical record requests to moments instead of days with a single secure connection that gives you electronic access to charts nationwide. Our solution simplifies interoperability by enabling the exchange of diverse document types between diverse EHR platforms.



Modernize prescription processing by electronically connecting healthcare systems to pharmacies

Help save time and protect patient safety by eliminating excessive phone calls and manual document exchanges. Our electronic prescription application securely connects providers directly to pharmacies for fast, reliable prescription generation and routing.



Communicate with laboratories and other services more quickly, easily, and accurately using electronic data exchange

Order the tests and other ancillary care your patients need—and see the results in near real-time—via a single secure connection. Our solution eliminates the delays, costs, and errors caused by inadequate clinical interoperability between healthcare providers and their partners.


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We’re here to help you find out how our solutions could benefit your organization. Complete the quick form to the right, and someone will reach out to you soon.

Our experts will:

  • Discuss your individual use case and business needs
  • Explain our features, benefits, and services
  • Show how these solutions can help achieve your goals

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