
SDoH Analytics 

Social determinants of heath datasets and analytics for  payers, providers, employers, and life science organizations that want to better understand at-risk populations and devise effective interventions.


GainSDoH Insights

  • Pinpoint social determinants of health—such as education, ethnicity, or household attributes—that affect your at-risk populations. Gain insights into your unique population with custom reporting and analysis based on integrated consumer and claims data.  
  • Enhance financial analysis by incorporating social determinants of health correlations for at-risk populations. Use SDoH data to improve risk scoring, identify short and long-term outcomes, and better predict utilization. 
  • Better understand your at-risk population. While 80% of an individual’s health status correlates to SDoH, risk profiles from clinical, claims, and utilization data account for just 20% of a patient's overall health outcomes.
  • Improve patient outcomes and lower costs for at-risk populations with targeted interventions that address the specific challenges impacting your population.
  • Access high-quality, real-time SDoH reports from the nation’s largest warehouse of deidentified claims and remittance data, updated daily and combined with national-level consumer behavior health data to offer robust datasets. 
  • Help ensure compliance with secure data processes that align with the highest standards of HIPAA compliance. We maintain de-identification and ensure all data and analytics are statistically verified by a third-party expert. 

Apply SDoH Insights to More Effectively Targeted Populations

  • Comprehensive Social Determinants of Health Data

    • Comprehensive SDoH data sets include financial attributes, education data, household characteristics, ethnicity, and health behavior based on the most recent three years of data.
    • Uncover robust SDoH insights with unparalleled data breadth that extends beyond your organization. Enables comparative analyses spanning claims, remittances, and national-level consumer behavior health data. 
    • Data depth includes 1.2 - 1.3 billion medical claims, 750 million pharmacy claims, and 80 million lab orders and results. Our data also includes history on over 220 million unique patients dating back to 2012.
  • Strategic Insights with Unlimited Use Cases

    • Help reduce costs by focusing on prevention. Identify members’ SDoH status and analyze the highest correlating determinants for your at-risk population. Insights can inform specific prevention programs to yield better outcomes.
    • Enhance your predictive capabilities for expenses by leveraging insights that allow you to better predict future disease burden, healthcare utilization, and expenses.
    • More accurately predict medication adherence and identify opportunities to improve compliance.
    • Explore correlations between social determinants of health and the ways in which patient populations use the healthcare system in the following settings: outpatient, inpatient, and emergency room.
  • Customized Deployment Options

    • Directly license SDoH data to perform your own analytics on your own network, filling in SDoH gaps in your operational systems.
    • Receive timely, customizable reports and monthly alerts. On average, 50% of claims are warehoused and available within one week of treatment date, and 85% of claims are available within one month.
    • Combine SDoH data with pre-selected datasets in a secure hosted environment with our Data Science as a Service. Deploy advanced data analytics and modeling always on compliance for customized uses. 

Individualhealth correlates to SDoH

80 %

Individual health correlates to SDoH1

22 %

of patients disclose SDoH stress to their physician2

1 The Brookings Institution, "A dozen facts about the economics of the U.S. health-care system." March 10, 2020.
2 Jessica Kent, “Costs Fell by 11% When Payer Addressed Social Determinants of Health.” Health IT Analytics, June 5, 2018.
3 Jaime Rosenburg, “Survey Highlights High Prevalence of Social Determinant Challenges, Need to Better Address Them.” American Journal of Managed Care, December 16, 2018.

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