Dynamic Dashboard Helps University-Sponsored Payer Predict Individual Star Ratings in Real Time

Learn how one payer evolved its data storage and data organization methods to improve reporting and enable predictive analytics.

The Problem

The payer had recently purchased STARS software from a third-party vendor to improve their ability to analyze and predict Medicare Star Ratings. The payer wanted their data to be stored on-premise in a secure environment, which wasn’t possible through their vendor. They also sought dynamic scoring based upon their data analysis and wanted to leverage real-time information. Their software was providing static numbers and was incapable of identifying issues or translating the meaning of high-level numbers.

The Solution

With their collective experience and subject-matter expertise, the Change Healthcare Consulting team was able to connect all the payer’s data systems. More importantly, they were able to store data on-premise and organize it in a way that allowed for predictive analytics to populate in the exact manner the customer requested. The consulting team also helped negotiate with relevant partners regarding all the data needed to support the newly developed real-time dashboard.

The Results

The health plan can now accurately predict individual Star Ratings in real time. They can identify issues early and develop a plan of action. Equally important, the consulting team taught the customer best practices related to data management and system layout, so they can remain self-sufficient for years to come. Several of the health plan’s leaders expressed their sincere gratitude for the new dashboard system.

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