
Hear how two healthcare IT leaders shifted their enterprise imaging to the cloud and the lessons they learned along the way.

While crossing professional paths over many years, health IT leaders Eric Lacy and Jim Schreiner became good friends—and learned advocates for the transition of enterprise imaging to the cloud. From their perspectives, informed by a radiology practice and a hospital setting respectively, they offer advice and optimism on what lies ahead on the path to the cloud. Tracy Byers, Senior VP and General Manager of the enterprise imaging business for Change Healthcare leads the conversation. 

Today’s panel includes: Eric Lacy, Director of Clinical Applications & Informatics at Central Illinois Radiological Associates, Ltd.; Jim Schreiner, CIO at Graham Health System

Here’s what they chatted about:

  • How to create a strategy for transitioning enterprise imaging to the cloud based on the needs of your organization
  • Why it’s important to choose a vendor that can also be a strategic partner and how to evaluate a good fit
  • How forging a meaningful collaboration between hospitals and radiology practices around transitioning enterprise imaging to the cloud results in increased efficiency and cost savings for both
  • How a cloud-native environment allows for faster system enhancements, from creating more efficient workflows to integrating artificial intelligence
  • What security benefits come with transitioning enterprise imaging to the cloud

Episode resources:

  1. Eric Lacy’s bio
  2. Jim Schreiner’s bio
  3. Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society (HIMSS) | Enterprise Imaging: Insights from the Field


Show resources:

Key takeaways

  • Enterprise imaging in the cloud allows for better systems and workflows, which means better patient care.
  • The transition of enterprise imaging to the cloud does not need to be scary when there is meaningful planning, a clear roadmap, and a vendor that is a partner in the process.
  • The needs of hospitals and radiology practices might be unique, but the benefits of enterprise imaging for both are the same, including enhanced security, scalability, and efficiency.

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