
Exchange Dx™​

A pharmacy data engine that enables non-technical users to transform, create, and share information in a self-service environment.


StreamlinePharmacy Data

  • Simplify and enhance custom reports with robust data across pharmacy operations

  • Easily schedule routine data feeds and produce ad-hoc reports
  • Transform data to meet business partner data requirements

  • Support multiple file formats including CSV, delimited, MS Excel, or ANSI EDI

Specialty Pharmacy Reporting

  • Specialized Data Organization and Transmission

    • Manage complex and non-standard data and reporting, and structured scheduling required to sell limited distribution drugs.
    • Organize, transform, and send data sourced from EPS®, Converge Rx®, Turn Rx®, and other proprietary or commercial systems to meet reporting requirements.
    • Fulfill contractual obligations to maintain good positions in specialty and limited-distribution networks.
  • Enhanced Self-Service Capabilities

    • Monitor data-feed exceptions to quickly resolve issues.
    • Integrated restatement process to resolve issues if they are caught through data recipients.
    • Access to technical success consultants to help use Exchange Dx to its fullest extent. Get insights into contracts and system capabilities.

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  • Explain our features, benefits, and services
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