Solution Bundle

Radiology Practice Revenue Cycle Management

Revenue cycle management and billing services for radiology practices that want to increase coding efficiency and compliance for improved cash flow and revenue.


Revenue Cycle Servicesfor Reduced Costs and Improved Margins

  • Reduce A/R days and optimize financial performance with our self-pay collection services.

  • Increase efficiency and reduce operational costs with our practice management professionals.
  • Improve financial performance while transitioning to value-based care with our comprehensive revenue-cycle and practice-management services.

  • Increase accuracy and reduce risk of non-compliance with our 1,100 certified coders.

What Our Customers Are Saying

"As the administrator of the APS group, covering 6 hospitals in Orange County, California, we have been very happy and pleased to work with Change Healthcare. Our account manager has been active and provided up-to-date information about the changes and new rules and regulations that we needed to know. She has been sending emails and texting generously and frequently to prevent deeper damages to our business. I use this opportunity to thank and commend her and hope to continue working with Change Healthcare in the years to come."

Naser Rahbar, MD
Anderson, Perry & Sharzer Medical Group
Anaheim, CA

"I would like to congratulate your team for their outstanding performance and hard work for us during COVID-19. They have done an excellent job of tracking incoming and outgoing funds, quickly and professionally securing PPP funding from the first tranche, notifying us of receipt of HHS provider relief funds, and very carefully advising us on the financial obligations related to these funds. They have been very attentive to our specific needs and especially responsive to our requests about projecting short term procedure volumes and revenues."

Michael Farber, MD
Midwest Radiology, Inc.
Kansas City, MO

Improve Billing Operations and Transition to Value-Based Care

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  • Discuss your individual use case and business needs
  • Explain our features, benefits, and services
  • Show how this solution can help achieve your goals

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